Available Paintings
The Artist
Available Paintings
Elizabeth Chapman Artwork
The Artist
Floral abstract
Large Abstracts
Ready to hang
Pure Joy 30 x 48 canvas
Love Light 30 x 40 canvas
Island Time 36 x 36 canvas
Dawn 30 x 30 canvas Available from Serendip 757-624-3920
Some Style 30 x 40 canvas
Serenade 36 x 36 canvas
Lovin' you. 36 x 36
AMBIANCE 36 x 36 canvas
Upside 36 x 36 canvas
Passion Play 36 x 36 canvas
LOVE LOVE 30 x 40" canvas
On a rainy day. 36 x 48 canvas
Cruisin' 36 x 48 canvas
Sashay 30 x 40
Sweet Adventures 36 x 36 canvas
Autumn Rose 30 x 30
Full of Life 36 x 48 canvas
Magnificent 28 x 41
Bloomscape 30 x 48
Obsession 36 x 48
New Way 40 x 40 canvas
Forever and Ever 36 x 48 canvas
Treasures of new and old. 40 x 40
Night Life ll 24 x 48
Fire and Ice 36 x 36
Felicity. 30 x 48
Alterna 32 x 36